We strive to create Cost Effective, Reliable and Safe Solutions for our members in their own language.
We understand that Staying Calm during an emergency Can Save Lives. Hence, we endeavour to keep a professional and composed manner at all times.
• Directions to your home are given to the emergency services.
• Relevant medical information is shared with the emergency team.
• Verbal translation in English, German, Dutch, Spanish and French.
• Help setting up contingency plans.
• A 24/7 monitored GPS Panic Alarm & Tracker.
• Pet care is arranged during a crisis.
• Your emergency contacts/relatives are informed when appropriate.
• Medical transport to Portugal and other countries is arranged and coordinated.
• First-aid training.
• Funeral services.
• General advice and guidance.
Communication between and within crisis response organizations (i.e., fire and rescue services, medical assistance, public organizations, police) and the public is essential for coping with natural or man-made crisis. Effective communication is difficult to establish due to multiple communication-related barriers arising during crisis management which impede enhanced mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.
If someone is involved in either a life-threatening or non-life-threatening emergency, they have enough to worry about. Often, the victim is unable to provide the required information or answer key questions to the emergency services. The systems and methods of doing things can also differ from their country of origin.
In such difficult circumstances, linguistic misunderstandings can easily arise generating feelings of panic and hopelessness. iMergencies can make a positive difference in such events. Our staff can communicate with you in your own language and/or act as an interpreter between you and the Emergency Services.
Additionally, all clients / guests will be able to rent-out a GPS Panic Alarm & Tracker.
In an emergency, by pressing the red Alarm-Button, help via direct voice call or SMS can be requested.
Visit the Alarm Button section for more details about this service.